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Información del servidor
General Information
Server Version Season 6 EP 17
Experience 60x
Master Experience 10x
Drop 40%

Chaos Machine

Combination Maximum Success Rate
Normal Gold
Item Luck 75% 75%
Items +10, +11, +12 75% + Luck 85% + Luck
Items +13, +14, +15 65% + Luck 75% + Luck
Wings Level 1 90% + Luck 90% + Luck
Wings Level 2 80% 90%
Wings Level 3 70% 80%
Fragment of Horn Mix 80% 90%
Broken Horn Mix 70% 80%
Horn of Fenrir Mix 50% 60%
Feather of Condor 65% 75%

Party Bonus Experience

Members Experience Rate
Same Character Classes Different Classes
2 Players EXP% + 96% EXP% + 96%
3 Players EXP% + 92% EXP% + 92%
4 Players EXP% + 88% EXP% + 88%
5 Players EXP% + 84% EXP% + 84%


/reset Reset your character.
/whisper [on/off] Enable / disable whisper.
/pk Clear killer status
/post [message] Sends a message to the whole server.
/s [points] Adds points to Strength.
/a [points] Adds points to Agility.
/v [points] Adds points to Life.
/e [points] Adds points to Energy.
/c [points] Adds points to Command.
/requests [on/off] Enable / disable requests in-game.


Información del Servidor

VersionSeason 6 EP 17
Experiencia Maestra10x
Cuentas totales295
Personajes totales349
Guilds totales12
Usuarios en línea99

Castle Siege

Dueño del Castillo

Guild Master
Periodo de Registracion de Guilds

Batalla Castle Siege
5 dias 19 horas

Información del Castillo

Top Level+

PowerBKBlade Knight400
MetalXGrand Master400
SindromexxBlade Knight400
YnvookerSMagic Gladiator400
NiceTryDark Lord400